Exterior brick slips are ideal products to help maximize the total usable space when it comes time to redo the façade. In situations where a lack of space makes it impossible to use conventional bricks, brick slips offer a quick route to cladding a new home or upgrading the look of an existing one.

In our experience, there is a lot that the use of exterior brick slips can do to upgrade the look and feel of a home.

What Are Brick Slips?


Brick slips are thin strips of clay used to create bespoke looks similar to real brickwork. They can be very useful in achieving the so-called masonry look. These strips are available in various thicknesses, ranging from 15mm to 22mm. 

Because brick slips are cheaper than whole bricks, they can be used in almost any project. They are also easier to install than real bricks, saving on labour and materials. Since they are cheaper than bricks, you can even DIY their installation! This way, you can save money on labour and still have that gorgeous brick look. 

Brick slips are also:

  • Noncombustible 
  • Recyclable 
  • Breathable 
  • Energy Efficient 
  • Durable 

How Are Brick Slips Used? 

Brick slips are meant to be used across a wide range of external and internal applications. They can be used in anything from feature walls and fireplaces to a full-length high-rise flat façade. In fact, the uses of brick slips are as varied as their benefits. 

Brick slips are currently used across various sectors, with commercial and residential applications being the most common. They are used across entire building exteriors in both new and old projects. However, they are also commonly used in smaller room features. 

Quickly Replicate Conventional Brick Work 

Brick slips are a cost-effective and quick solution for replicating conventional brickwork. The brick slips offer excellent durability, making them easier to maintain, and hence they are the best choice if you’re looking for a brick effect without all the hefty costs involved in using real bricks. They are also ideally suited for renovation projects, with the ability to give an old building a new look cost-effectively since they are easy to fit and point. 

In other words, the use of brick slips is an incredibly easy way to transform the look of any wall, external or internal. They are also a popular choice for use with external insulation systems. People may choose to have an authentic brick look along with the benefits of high-quality insulation while still keeping wall thickness to a minimum. 

Thanks to the slim profile, they allow for the use of multiple insulation solutions of varying thicknesses, offering loads of energy-saving opportunities. The best part is that high-quality brick slips are practically indistinguishable from regular thick bricks. 

Available In A Variety Of Colours And Textures

As bricks lose their beauty and appeal, brick slips have grown in popularity. These cladding options are durable, non-combustible, and made from recyclable materials. Because of this, they are a really popular choice. Since they can be installed indoors and outdoors, they are a practical alternative to conventional bricks.

Choosing The Right Brick Slips 

When choosing a colour for your new exterior home improvement project, be sure to consider the style of your home. Brick slips are one of the most versatile types of claddings available so whatever you have going on, you’re likely to find one style of slip that fits. 

Brick slips can also be custom-made or customized to suit your home’s exterior decor, for example, if you need a more modern rather than a more rustic look.

Be sure to purchase corner units if you want a seamless stretcher-bond effect between two adjacent brick slips. Corner units are ideal for creating a stretcher-bond look and are of course available in various thicknesses and colours. Most brick slips are supplied as individual units that can be fitted on site. 

Brick slips are installed in a similar manner to tiling. A special adhesive is applied to the substrate in manageable sections, and the individual brick slips are placed in order. Besides being durable and long-lasting, brick slips can also be used in various rooms inside the home as well as they can on the outside. They are particularly useful in wet rooms, such as bathrooms, giving them a rustic and premium look. They’re also great in kitchens, giving you a modern look while being easy to clean. 

The Advantages Of Using Brick Slips 

A key benefit of brick slips is that they are lightweight. Compared to conventional bricks, slips require just one-third of the space needed by real bricks. The resulting thin walls allow for a more efficient design. 

Brick slips are a good option for exterior home improvement because they offer greater flexibility in building designs. Moreover, they are cheaper to install than regular bricks. So, if you want a stunning brick facade, consider using brick slips.

Glazed Brick Slips 

Glazed brick slips are another excellent option for exterior home improvement projects. They are available in a huge variety of colours from lavender to ochre, which means you will always be able to find the perfect design for your home or business. They are also highly durable, meaning your investment today will pay off for many years. 

They are generally stain-resistant and can last for years without any maintenance. Glazed brick slips are therefore an excellent option for those looking to undertake a quick exterior home improvement project.


If you are looking to give the exterior of your home a brand-new look, or mimic that brickwork look in your bathroom/kitchen without using conventional bricks, then brick slips are the ideal choice. All you need is to choose the right design and colour for your project, which should be pretty easy because there are thousands to choose from!

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As an independent, family-run business, we have more than fifteen years’ experience in brick reclaimed terracotta and reclaimed oak flooring. In fact, we are renowned for sourcing and supplying these luxury floor tiles for you and your home.

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